Host a Discord Bot online 24/7 for FREE!
4 March, 2021
1. uploading your project on repl.it


Now we have to add a background task in the bot, have to keep it alive because repl.it auto sleeps after few minutes.
Now Im goin to tell you adding background tasks in two languages that are discord.js and discord.py
2. Adding a bg task and keeping the bot alive.
(1) Keeping the bot alive & Adding BG tasks in a discord js (v11) bot :


2. Keeping the bot alive & Adding BG tasks in a discord.Py bot :
After uploading your project in repl.it don't forget to install the python packages. by goin to packages option on the left side and searching python.
To keep our bot alive we have to add the following code on the head of our py file.


3. Setup the Uptime Robot :






discord js
discord bots
host discord bot for free
host a discord bot online 24/7 for free