How To Get Discord Stickers for FREE!
5 March, 2021

Stickers are some cool small animated pictures which you can get on Discord. They haven’t released properly yet but still, we can use them by doing the following method.
Discord stickers are not available for every Country.
But we can access stickers by using any VPN.
1. Download VPN :
After Downloading VPN select region either Japan or Brazil or Canada.
You just have to do it once to activate stickers forever.
2. Refresh your Discord Client :
And that’s it. now you can use the stickers
At first, you can claim a free pack without nitro :

And 2 free packs with nitro.

You may have noticed that after turning off the VPN, the sticker tab gets disappeared.
If you want to use any kind of sticker just type its name after a
like :lol
and it will show the stickers as it recommends the emojis.
Thanks for reading :)
discord js
discord stickers
how to get discord stickers for free