What is Web Assembly ? 🌐
I have been learning about Web Assembly and its Applications. Here's what I have learnt. 👇🏽
26 July, 2022
Web Assembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.
What does this even mean ?
In simple words, Web Assembly (WASM) allows high level languages like RUST and GO to run directly on the web browser without any installations. It allows the languages to be compiled into a binary code that can run on majority of browsers.
Why JavaScript isn't enough ?
Why JavaScript isn't enough ?
JavaScript is an Interpreted language. It's also an easily hackable language.
So in order to make your application secure you have to make a bunch of validations even to do the simplest things.
JavaScript code takes more steps than WASM code in order to be run by the browser.

JS Code Execution

WASM Code Execution
Most Widely used Software Which Uses Web Assembly -
Have a look at this awesome article by Figma -
Google Earth & Auto Cad Web are also widely used applications which use WASM.
No ! JavaScript Developers are not in trouble !!
The main use of WASM is to do heavier calculations and computations which will eventually help in sharing the load with JavaScript.
JS & WASM combined together can deliver much more than you expect only with JS, that too in the most efficient way.
Let me know your thoughts on WASM in the comments.
Hope you learnt something new.
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web development