
My UNESCO India Africa Hackathon Experience..

5 January, 2023




Today, I am going to share my experience with UNESCO India Africa hackathon 2022 organized by UNESCO and Ministry of Education, India. In this international hackathon more than 22 african countries student participated and hackathon is conducted at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India.
Inauguration of UIA hackathon is conducted by chief minister of Uttar pradesh Yogi Adityanath ji. You can check the grand inauguration at
UIA hackathon is based on the Theme Life and has problem statement for Education, Energy, Drinking water and sanitation, Agriculture and Health and Hygiene.
I am invited as mentor for UIA hackathon by Ministry of Education,Innovation cell for the problem statement in Health and Hygiene.
I was selected for team AlphaMedics and our team members are from Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Ghana, Gambia and India. Team Mentor : Rahul Pawar
Team members :

1. Amit Kumar 2. Amadu Jallow 3. Musindo Kahonde 4. Elisha Emmanuel Ofori Tetteyfio 5. Lehlohonolo Taaibosh

6. Shirish Waghmode
Problem statement was based on theme called Health and Hygiene. - For developing mobile application for monitoring and controlling diabetes mellitus.
Self-care and routine check-ups/investigations for early identification of the complications of diabetes mellitus.
Strict glycaemic control as well as routine monitoring is core component for preventing as well as early identification of micro as well as macro vascular complication among patients with the diabetes mellitus(DM).
Self-care mobile application is needed which includes alerts for necessary investigation (HbA1c, fundoscopy etc.) for status of glycaemic control and early identification of DM complication.
After getting the problem statement our team has worked on the background research to find the potential and efficient solution for the problem statement. I think background research is most important part before working on any type of project.
Background research will help you understand the latest technologies, software and methods available in market for the similar problem statements.
We have found some details in background research as follows.
Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar. This occurs when the human body isn't able to take up glucose from food into its cells and use it for energy.
This results in a build-up of extra sugar in the bloodstream. Self-care, regular checkups for early detection of diabetic complications are some of the most important management techniques.
Now, I am going to tell you how many team has approached the problem statement. As given in problem statement it is expected that we need to design and mobile application.
Then we discuss the technology stack we are using for developing mobile app. e.g like Flutter, Android studio or React-Native. We chose the traditional Android development because in hackathon rapid solution is expected.
Our Solution: -
- Creating an AI based end to end mobile based health care application that will contain the user health records related to diabetes mellitus know as “Alpha Medics”.
- Our motive behind the application is “HealthForever”.
- Alpha medic application contains token based user authentication and SignIn/ SignUp flow for easy and secure access.
- Alpha medics app has daily charts reports for identification of daily sugar consumption.
- It contains the three machine learning models based on past medical records, text identification and food identification.
Application Architectural: -
Alpha Medic application is a 3 tier application.

Mobile Application - Tier 1

Database Servers - Tier 2

Machine Learning Servers - Tier 3
Our main motive was to created three tier application because it is fast and organize way to rapid prototyping.
We have finished the Application Development part with UI containing the features like charts, reports, alerts etc.
Then we have worked on developing our backend APIs for Authentication, User profile, Notifications and exposing data to our trained and deployed machine learning model.
Best way to work in hackathon is to divide the task between each member to improve efficiency.
For machine learning model and backed we have used the following tech stack:|


Pima Indians Diabetes dataset from kaggle


Firebase for Authenticaion.

Pycharm IDE and Jupyter notebook

Heroku for model deployment.
After 36 hours of struggle we had 3 evaluation round between every 12 hours. Evaluators are from renowned industries and had 15, 20 years of experience.
Our team was leading because in each evaluation round we are improving constantly as per suggestions made by evaluators as well as we only exposed each application tier in each round respectively.
In hackathon, main focus is always on the expected solution. It is really important as team to be focused on the exact solution and keep working it rather than adding unnecessary things like animation or features which are not related to problem statement.
We had lot of fun during this 36 hours non stop event. My team really worked hard we had Jumba dance at 2:00 am in the night as well as unlimited coffee and soft drinks are served to teams.
Every team had members from different different african countries. we had communication barrier but our team has overcome every issue and made it all possible.
Finally, we won the UNESCO India Africa Hackathon 2022 and awarded by Vice president of Indian and Education minister of india.

Team Alpha Medics

I am glad to share the experience with you all through this small blogs post. I hope you like it. It is not feasible for me to share every small details of the project here due to certain issue. Do let me know your thoughts on this blog post. I will definitely try to improve it in my further post. If you have any queries and need suggestions on hackathon please feel free to connect. Follow me on




Rahul Pawar
DevOps Engineer, Machine Learning, AWS Certified Solution Architect

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