
Code Smell 47 - Diagrams

Diagrams are not code. They cannot be a code smell. They are just Diagram Smells.

30 January, 2023




Diagrams are not code. They cannot be a code smell. They are just Diagram Smells.


  • Maintainability
  • Trash code
  • Code Duplications
  • Diagrams focus only on structure (accidental) and not behavior (essential).


  1. Use diagrams only to communicate ideas with other humans.
  1. Program on your favorite IDE.
  1. Thrash all diagrams. Even the ones generated from the source code.
  1. Trust your tests. They are alive and well maintained.
  1. Use Domain Driven Design technique.


Sample Code




final class BookItem {
// No. We will not inherit from concrete class Book since this is another smell

// No. We will not list a bunch of anemic attributes. since yet this is another smell

function numberOfPages() {

function language(): Language {

function book(): Book {
// Book can tell us a lot about her/his author, title etc.


function edition(): BookEdition {
// ..

// Loan and overdues are not book items responsibility


final class LoanTracker {
function loan(BookItem $bookCopy, LibraryUser $reader, DatePeriod $loanDates) {
// DatePeriod is better than anemic $fromDate and $toDate

final class LoanTrackerTests extends TestCase {
// Lots of maintained tests telling us how the system really works


We can remove all code annotations and forbid them by policy.


Designing is a contact sport. We need to prototype and learn from our running models.

Papers and JPGs don't run. They live in the utopic world where everything works smoothly.

CASE was a very hot trend back in the 90s.
No good system was developed with these tools.


Code Smell 01 - Anemic Models

Code Smell 25 - Pattern Abusers

More Info

Laziness II - Code Wizards


Photo by Nick Seagrave on Unsplash

The Diagram is Not the Model. The model is not the diagram. It is an abstraction, a set of concepts and relationships between them.

Eric Evans

Software Engineering Great Quotes

This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

How to Find the Stinky Parts of your Code




Maxi Contieri

Buenos Aires, Argentina

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