Day-24: Getting started with the Landing page of ShowwcaseXS

26 May, 2023




Today is May 17, 2023. Yesterday, as mentioned in the blog, I primarily focused on enhancing the thread cards by adding action buttons to them. However, today my main focus will shift toward writing content for the landing page of ShowwcaseXS. I will be brainstorming ideas on how the landing page should be structured, determining its size, and outlining the necessary sections that need to be implemented. Additionally, I will be considering the type of images and photos required to show on the ShowwcaseXS landing page.

After brainstorming for the landing page, I have decided the following things:


  1. Home Page
    - Hero section
    - USP section
    - Feature section
    - FAQ
    - Footer
  2. Tutorial Page:
    9 sections explaining each feature in detail:
  3. Journey Page:
    creating UI and Adding all the blog links for all 32 days

Now will start implementing these things on the landing page from tomorrow. A lot to do man. I need to hurry. I also have to publish the extension.





Pritesh Kiri
Software Engineer | Content creator | Technical Writer | Building @ShowwcaseXS @TaskTunes

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