Day-28: UI Improvements and bug fixes for ShowwcaseXS
26 May, 2023
It is May 21st, 2023, and the testing phase for ShowcaseXS is ongoing. Yesterday, I fixed numerous bugs and made significant UI enhancements, particularly focusing on CSS and the snack bar feature. Today, my focus is on further improving certain sections in terms of UI and functionality for example the login page. Without wasting any time, let me start working on these improvements.
Today, I worked on enhancing the login functionality and UI, as well as improving the UI for the profile section. Regarding the login functionality, I implemented a logic where, if the credentials exist, it will display a message saying "Checking your credentials" instead of showing a blank screen. Additionally, I implemented a Snack Bar feature that appears upon successful login and successful logout. Let me show you both screens, as I am particularly fond of the UI design for the login screen.
As you can see here, there were a lot of changes I made in the last two days. Apart from this. I have also completed the main landing page of ShowwcaseXS which is deployed at . Let me show you the UI.
Have done a lot of work today. Tomorrow I have to work on publishing the Chrome extension before it gets too late.