Fei Yang
Joined Sep 2020
San Francisco, CA, USA
I'm a full stack software engineer that loves Ruby, React, Redux, and Rails. I am also good (skillful) at JavaScript, Java, and C++. I recently finished a Nonprofits Across Different States D3 JavaScript interactive graph. I've also recently finished working with a team to complete an app using MongoDB, Express, React/Redux, and Node.js that filters through preferences and "rolls" a random cafe for those seeking a cafe to study. Please look at my projects section.
I enjoy challenging myself to think methodically and creatively and have found that creativity is not only a part of html/css but also a part of design and structure.
In my free time, I'm a huge foodie, and I love traveling to new places and trying new things. Last year, I traveled through 13 states in a 10 day time period. My personal favorite was hiking up Angel's Landing in Zion National Park in Utah.
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