Lidar Mapping Vehicle
A small R/C car that has a lidar unit and maps points on a map
26 December, 2020
Abdi Mohamud, Allayne Leongson, Ivan Briseno
For my senior project in University, me and team decided to build a small unit that gathers lidar points and sends it over through an API. The idea of the project was to drive the R/C car using the lidar point map.
What we did
We bought a pre built R/C car and 3D printed a mount to attach our lidar on to the vehicle. I was the software engineer in the team and built out the API to retrieve lidar points and map. I programmed the microcontroller that was sending data to my endpoint.
Our approach
We started testing the sensors and doing some math to set up the placements of the sensors. We made sure to test all of our hardware before piecing everything together to have a project ready unit.
The project was a success and ending up getting us 3rd place in my school competition. It performed wonderfully and the map was fairly accurate.
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