
Best Resources to Master Data Structures and Algorithms

23 November, 2022





You can find a wide variety of resources on the web, but here I'll share some of the most useful resources that will help you master data structures and algorithms. DSA questions are asked in most of the rounds of multinational corporations, whether product- or service-based. If we talk about Amazon, there are at least 3 DSA rounds in which they ask easy, medium, or hard questions.
So let's jump into the topic and see the resources. Follow them consistently, and I am sure that you will perform well in these rounds.


The array is the very first and most basic topic of the DSA.
Watch the videos from 1 to 16.
To practice array questions, you can solve the questions given in the list below.


Though, the string data structure is not asked so much, but, the algorithms that I have mentioned below are the most frequently asked in big MNCs - so understand them well.
To practice string questions, you can solve the questions given in the list below.

Linked List

Learn about linked lists with superb examples and graphics.
Watch the videos from 31 to 104.
To practice the linked list, you can solve the 25-30 questions.


Learn about linear and binary search with theory, code, and questions.
Watch the videos from 13 to 16.
Advice: The binary search algorithm is the most important searching algorithm, practice it more.


The below tutorials are the best - they cover a lot of concepts, questions, and theories.
Watch videos 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, and 31.
To practice sorting, you can solve the questions given in the list below.


A lot of questions are asked in interviews about stacks as well. Here are a few tutorials to help you get a better understanding of the stack.
Note: Make sure you watch all the videos from 105 to 140, they're all amazing.
To practice stack, you can solve the 30-35 questions.


Watch all the tutorials - they are very easy to understand.
To practice queue, you can solve the 20-25 questions.


Watch all the tutorials - easy explanations with some important questions.
To practice heap, you can solve all the questions given below.

Sliding Window

The sliding window is a technique that aims to reduce the use of nested loops. The below tutorials are the best that covers all about sliding window with some good questions.
You can solve the below questions to practice it.

Recursion & Backtracking

On this topic, a lot of questions were asked. It's a bit difficult topic, but if you practice it well, then you'll enjoy solving the questions related to it.
Watch the videos from 32 to 36, the explanation is very in-depth.
Here is a list of enough questions for you to practice recursion & backtracking, and if you practice all of them, I guarantee that you have a very good command of this topic.


Now we are in the advanced data structure section. The tree is the most frequently asked data structure in interviews or any company assessment round.
Advice: Prepare it well and solve more questions, since it's a bit complex data structure.
To practice the tree, you should solve at least 50 questions from the below list.


The graph is as important as the Tree. Big product-based companies like Netflix, Google, Flipkart, Amazon, etc, focus on these topics very much.
Advice: Prepare it well and solve more questions, since it's a bit complex data structure.
To practice the graph, you should solve at least 50 questions from the below list.
Note: All the above data structures are the most important for interviews or any other exams, so take your time and prepare them well.
Now, we will move on to some other topics that you can cover afterward.

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a bit complex topic and sometimes companies ask questions based on this topic.
Below tutorials are the best tutorials (Hindi) on YouTube.
The below tutorials are also best, but they are in English, you can prefer anyone according to your understanding.
To understand this topic, you have to practice some good questions. Try to solve all the questions in the below list.

Bit Manipulation

To learn this topic - you can refer to the below video.
Advice: The topic is a bit tricky, so don't skip it if you don't understand it the first time. Try again and again.
For practice - refer to the below list of questions & try to solve 20-25 questions.


You can learn about hashing, probing, and collision. This topic is not that important in terms of interviews, but ya if you know it, then it's a plus point for you.
Watch only videos 108, 109, and 110.
Not many questions, but ya you can practice some basic questions about hashing. Below is a list of the top 20 questions that may be asked in your interviews.

Time & Space Complexity

Every programmer or developer should have a good understanding of this topic because time and space really matter a lot when we create any program or software.
Watch the below videos from 5 to 14.
Also, prefer watching the below video & get a deep understanding of the topic.
Note: In both videos, you will get hands-on practice with the questions.

Wrap Up

Throughout this article, we have discussed a variety of resources for learning and mastering data structures and algorithms. As far as I am concerned, all the resources that I have provided above are the most appropriate. Follow them step-by-step and you will master the DSA within 5-6 months. I would like to encourage you to keep learning and sharing with the public. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions or questions.

Follow me on Twitter (@triposat).















Satyam Tripathi
Looking for DevRel 🥑 Role • Open Source 🚀 • Content Writer 👩‍💻

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