
Code Smell 48 - Code Without Standards

Working on a solo project is easy. Unless you go back to it after some months. Working with many other developers requires some agreements.

4 February, 2023




TL;DR: Don't be rude. Standardize your code!


  • Maintainability
  • Readability


  1. Automate your styles and indentation.
  1. Enforce agreed policies.


Sample Code


Correct sample taken from Sandro Mancuso's bank kata

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package org.craftedsw.domain;

import static org.craftedsw.domain.Amount.amountOf;

import java.util.Date;

public class MY_Account {
// Some class have different case, underscores

private Statement privStatement;
// Attributes have visibility prefixes

private Amount currentbalance = amountOf(0);

public SetAccount(Statement statement) {
this.statement = statement;
// Setters and getters are not normalized

public GiveAccount(Statement statement)
{ this.statement = statement; }
// Indentation is not uniform

public void deposit(Amount value, Date date) {
recordTransaction(value, date);
// some variables are named after type and not role.

public void extraction(Amount value, Date date) {
recordTransaction(value.negative(), date);
// the opposite of *deposit* should be withdrawal

public void voidPrintStatement(PrintStream printer)
// Name is redundant

private void privRecordTransactionAfterEnteredthabalance(Amount value, Date date) {
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(value, date);
Amount balanceAfterTransaction = transaction.balanceAfterTransaction(balance);
balance = balanceAfterTransaction;
statement.addANewLineContainingTransation(transaction, balanceAfterTransaction);
// naming is not uniform


package org.craftedsw.domain;

import static org.craftedsw.domain.Amount.amountOf;

import java.util.Date;

public class Account {

private Statement statement;

private Amount balance = amountOf(0);

public Account(Statement statement) {
this.statement = statement;

public void deposit(Amount value, Date date) {
recordTransaction(value, date);

public void withdrawal(Amount value, Date date) {
recordTransaction(value.negative(), date);

public void printStatement(PrintStream printer) {

private void recordTransaction(Amount value, Date date) {
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(value, date);
Amount balanceAfterTransaction = transaction.balanceAfterTransaction(balance);
balance = balanceAfterTransaction;
statement.addLineContaining(transaction, balanceAfterTransaction);


The Right example has several other smells, but we keep it loyal to its GIT version in order to show only code standardization issues.


Linters and IDEs should test coding standards before a merge request is approved.

We can add our own naming conventions related to Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Modules etc.


  • Standardization


Use coding standards in your projects.

A well-written clean code always follows standards about naming conventions, formatting and code style.

Such standards are helpful because they make things clear and deterministic for the ones who read your code, including yourself.

Code styling should be automatic and mandatory on large organizations to enforce Collective Ownership.

Automatic code formatting by a parser or compiler is the way machines gives us feedback on how their interpret our instructions.

It could prevent disagreements and follows fail fast principle.

Fail Fast


Code Smell 06 - Too Clever Programmer

More Info

What exactly is a name - Part I The Quest


Comic by XKCD

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.

Andrew S. Tannenbaum

Software Engineering Great Quotes

This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

How to Find the Stinky Parts of your Code




Maxi Contieri

Buenos Aires, Argentina

🎓Learn something new every day.📆 💻CS software engineer 👷coding👨🏽‍🏫teaching ✍🏾writing 🎨Software Design 🏢SOLID 🌉TDD 👴Legacy 💩Code Smells

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