
Code Smell 60 - Global Classes

Classes are handy. We can call them and invoke them at any time. Is this good?

7 April, 2023




Classes are handy. We can call them and invoke them at any time. Is this good?

TL;DR: Don't use your classes as a global point of access.


  • Coupling
  • Classes are global unless we use Namespaces.
  • Name polluting
  • Static Methods
  • Static Constants
  • Singletons


  1. Use namespaces, module qualifiers or similar
  2. Avoid namespace polluting, keep the Global names as short as possible.
  3. Class single Responsibility is to create instances.

Sample Code



final class StringUtilHelper {
static function reformatYYYYDDMMtoYYYYMMDD($date) {

class Singleton {


final class DatabaseAccessor extends Singleton {




namespace Date;

final class DateFormtter {

function reformatYYYYDDMMtoYYYYMMDD(Date $date) {
// function is not static since class single responsibility
// is to create instances and not be a library of utils


namespace OracleDatabase;

class DatabaseAccessor {
// Database is not a singleton and it is namespace scoped


We can use almost any linter or create dependency rules searching for bad class references.


  • Globals


We should restrict our classes to small domains and expose just facades to the outside. This greatly reduces coupling.


Code Smell 18 - Static Functions

Code Smell 17 - Global Functions

More Info

Singleton - The root of all evil

Coupling - The one and only software design problem


Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash

Write shy code — modules that don't reveal anything unnecessary to other modules and that don't rely on other modules' implementations.

Dave Thomas

Software Engineering Great Quotes

This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

How to Find the Stinky Parts of your Code




Maxi Contieri

Buenos Aires, Argentina

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