
Code Smell 72 - Return Codes

Don't return codes to yourself. Raise Exceptions.

24 May, 2023




APIs, Return codes, C Programming Language, We've all been there.

TL;DR: Don't return codes to yourself. Raise Exceptions.


  • IFs
  • Code Polluting
  • Outdated documentation
  • Coupling to accidental codes.
  • Functional logic polluted.


  1. Change Ids and return Generic Exceptions.
  2. Distinguish Happy Path from Exception Path.

Sample Code


function createSomething(arguments) {
// Magic Creation
success = false; // we failed

// We failed to create
if (!success) {
return {
object: null,
errorCode: 403,
errorDescription: 'We didnt have permission to create...'

return {
object: createdObject,
errorCode: 400,
errorDescription: ''

var myObject = createSomething('argument');
if (myObject.errorCode != 400) {
console.log(myObject.errorCode + ' ' + myObject.errorDescription)
// but myObject does not hold My Object but an implementative
// and accidental array
// from now on me need to remember this


function createSomething(arguments) {
// Magic Creation
success = false; // we failed
// We failed to create
if (!success) {
throw new Error('We didnt have permission to create...');
return createdObject;

try {
var myObject = createSomething('argument');
// no IFS, just happy path
} catch (exception) {
// deal with it!
// myObject holds my expected object


We can teach our linters to find patterns of integer and strings returns coupled with ifs and return checking.


  • Exceptions


Ids and codes are external identifiers.

They are useful when you need to interact with an external system (for example an API Rest).

We should not use them on our own systems and our own internal APIs.

Create and raise generic exceptions.

Only create specific exceptions if you are ready to handle them, and they have specialized behavior.

Don't create anemic Exceptions.

Avoid immature and premature optimized languages favoring return codes.


Code Smell 26 - Exceptions Polluting

More Info

How to Get Rid of Annoying IFs Forever



Photo by Alex Hay on Unsplash

Error handling is important, but if it obscures logic, it’s wrong.

Robert Martin

Software Engineering Great Quotes

This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

How to Find the Stinky Parts of your Code




Maxi Contieri

Buenos Aires, Argentina

🎓Learn something new every day.📆 💻CS software engineer 👷coding👨🏽‍🏫teaching ✍🏾writing 🎨Software Design 🏢SOLID 🌉TDD 👴Legacy 💩Code Smells

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