Dionysus: Wine Branding
8 September, 2020
Pulled from mythology, mixed with meaning, and a dash of typography is what makes this wine design. By using what the Greek god Dionysus ruled over during the ancient times, I was inspired with Pleasure, Wild Frenzy, and Madness. These ideas were incorporated with land, sea, and sky to show the company's appreciation for the 'owner's' heritage of Greece. When I paired the two concepts of landscape with Dionysus's ruled domains, I chose to use Greek monsters from myth to represent each abstract idea with a landscape. The satyr was chosen for pleasure and land, as they are normally represented as 'natural love'. For sky and wild frenzy, nothing stood out more than a harper with the way they would lure men to their deaths and seen as half bird-women. Lastly, a sea monster was to represent the ocean madness that leads many sailors to death. I gender-swapped the harpy and Satyr to remove the limits of what embodied gender for the Greeks. *DIONYSUS VINEYARDS IS NOT A REAL COMPANY