
Spotify Genre Popularity by Country

10 September, 2020




Spotify is an audio streaming platform launched on 7 October 2008. As of Febrauary 2019, 203 million Spotify's users love playing music in headphones and speakers across all continents around the world and are represented by 78 countries.

In this analysis, we will look at Spotify's Top 50 songs in the most populous countries in each continent and deterimine if the playlists' popularity is correlated with their danceability and genre.

Our hypothesis is if a country’s Top 50 playlist is related to the danceability of the individual songs, then a majority of the songs in each country’s list will have high danceability score.

For our research we selected the following countries:

Africa: South Africa

Asia: Indonesia, Japan, Philippines

Europe: UK, Germany, France

North America: US, Canada

South America: Brazil, Columbia, Argentina

Data Exploration


Top Genres Based on Top 50 Artists in the United States

We observed the genres based on the top 50 artists in the United States to see which genres Americans preferred more. The graph above tells us that most Americans prefer to listen to pop, rap, and trap music; thus we further explore these 3 types of music to understand their popularity in the United States.

Danceability Histogram

Danceability Histogram
Danceability Boxplot
To further understand the popularity of the top three genres in the United States, we take a look at the danceability score, a metric to describe how suitable a track is for dancing based on a combination of musical elements including tempo, rhythm stability, beat strength, and overall regularity. A value of 0.0 is least danceable and 1.0 is most danceable. From looking at the histogram and boxplot figures above, we can see that the average danceability score for the 3 genres ranges from 0.75 to 0.8.

Bar graph displaying percentage of top artists within a genre per country

Bar graph displaying percentage of top artists within a genre per country
Danceability Boxplot by Country
Now we dig deeper into Spotify in other countries for more intriguing observations. We looked at major countries for each continents to see where their music tastes lies and to no surprise we found some countries with fairly similar results to that of the United States. For those countries with completely different music taste, we see some significant difference in their danceability mean score than the counties most similar to the U.S. The two charts above convey a possible correlation between music genre and danceability mean score. The countries with low danceability mean scores may revoke our hypothesis, but upon further inspection there isn't enough factual evidence to disprove it.
Data Science






Web Scraping API


Charting Libraries





Chris Wong

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Data Analyst | Research Analyst | Entrepreneur | Educator

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