Amit Hazra

Amit Hazra

Full-stack Wiz


Joined Sep 2022


Front Page:



  • Leveled up from JS Padawan to Full-Stack Jedi Knight: 4+ years of experience in PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, HTML, and CSS, and 3 years conquering React JS.

  • ⚡ Cloud Master: Now wielding the power of AWS and Docker for efficient deployments and resource management. Like a magician pulling applications out of thin air!

  • Database Whisperer: Can speak fluently to both MySQL and NoSQL databases, ensuring your data is always happy and organized.

  • Fun fact: Still a magician at heart and a harmonica maestro in the making (though the neighbors might disagree ).

My speciality

Software Engineering

Open Source

Looking for new opportunities

Web Developer

Open to collaborate

React Developer

AWS Certified

Graduate Student

Languages I'm fluent in




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