Day - 8: Completed basics of Chrome Extension
26 May, 2023
Today is May 1st, 2023, and I will be continuing my work on the remaining projects from the Chrome extension documentation. Yesterday, I completed the reading time Chrome extension, which allowed me to add elements to the DOM of a web page using content scripts. Today, I will be working on the focus mode project.
After successfully completing yesterday's project, I have gained confidence in my ability to manipulate the DOM of web pages. I believe I will be able to create a good Chrome extension for this hackathon.
The focus mode extension is designed to remove the side panels from the Chrome extension documentation. This project helps us understand how to implement service workers, which are special JavaScript environments that are loaded to handle events and terminated when no longer needed. Let me show you what the focus mode extension looks like.
As you can see, I was able to add a small "ON" and "OFF" badge on the extension. And also was able to remove the side planes from the documentation.
The next project on my list was the Manage tab Chrome extension. Although I attempted to code along with the documentation, I found it a bit more challenging this time around, still figuring out how things are working with this particular extension.
This extension opens up a pop-up that allows the user to manage the tabs they have opened in their Chrome browser. Let me show you what it looks like:
Today was a heavy day man. Too much information. This was plain Javascript till now. Now I need to see how things work with react.
I'm left with very less time. Need to speed up now. Haven't even started the basic design. Let's see how it goes.